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Inwyt variations “Mix” / インウィット バリエーション – ミックス

Inwyt “Half : backside and Slit : the face” : On A type, Horizontal assembling
インウィット “ハーフ 裏 & スリット 表” : オンAタイプ, ホリゾンタル組み

About Mix type of variations in “Inwyt” / 「インウィット」のミックスタイプについて

This is one of the variations that two variations mixed of piece A.
One is “Half : the backside”, and the other is “Slit : the face”.

Regard with almost variations in “Inwyt”, one piece can have two variations.
It’s not only “Piece A” but also “Piece B”.
However, mixed work can be assembled with one type only, variations of Piece A are “Horizontal assembling” and variations of Piece B are “Vertical assembling”.

But I think I won’t draw the mixed variations works in any diagrams.
If you have a diagram of any variations of “Inwyt”, you might find how to fold.

「インウィット」 ピースAのバリエーションで、「ハーフ裏」と「スリット裏」のバリエーションが混在している作品。


Inwyt “Oblique:the face” / インウィット「オブリーク:表」

Inwyt “Oblique : the face” : On A type, Horizontal assembling
Inwyt “オブリーク 表” : オンAタイプ, ホリゾンタル組み

It’s a variation of Piece A, which is “the face” whose “the backside” was drawn as “Oblique” in a diagram.
Even though I made this work, it’s complicated a little to draw it on the diagram, I omitted it.
If you have the diagram of “Oblique”, you might be able to fold it.



Inwyt “Oblique III” / インウィット “オブリークIII”

Inwyt “Oblique iII : the face” : On B type, Vertical assembling
インウィット「オブリークIII 表」: オンBタイプ, バーティカル組み

This is one of the variations of “Piece B”.
I planed to draw it on the diagram of “Piece B variations”, but I didn’t.
When I created it and would make work which was a type of vertical assembling, but I was flirting with other work.
So, I haven’t made the Horizontal assembling yet.
And I won’t draw the work on a diagram also.


News / 雑談

I posted articles of works that I drew the diagram so far, but I noticed that these are very similar to articles on “Shop“.
Then I will post the articles about works that I haven’t drawn on diagrams or I won’t draw on any diagrams to this blog.

Thank you for visiting!!

What shall I play? — Origami blog: About works which I won’t draw on any diagrams or haven’t drawn diagrams yet, creation activity, origami news, and so on.
Kusudama Dōjō — Kusudama drawing shop: Introducing works that I draw the diagrams, Free diagrams, and so on.
I’m an indoor person, but when I go outside I want to see different scenery than usual. — Daily life blog



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