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Long yubikiri arrangement

(C)Mio Tsugawa
Created : Oct. 2017
Diagram : Oct. 2017

Type of assembling : Modular type
Joint method : Multi-modular joint
Number of part : 30 parts (made of 60 sheets)

This work is development work from Kaleidoscope, one of an arrangement of Long yubikiri.

One part of this work is consisted with two pieces of parts.
So this work needs 30 parts, but 60 pieces of paper will be needed.

Yubikiri is Pinky promise in English, It means a promise made by entwining one’s pinky finger with another person’s.

I decorated it the next to Buddha Statues.
If you have an opportunity to come to Beograd and use this host house, you are able to see this work, maybe.



トーヨー おりがみ おりづる 富嶽三十六景 46柄入 15cm 006202

となりのトトロ おりがみセット

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