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Daily life in Italy – No.2

I’m currently into cheese.
There are a lot of kind of cheeses in Italy as like other countries of Europe and those are cheaper than Japan mostly.

For example, in Japan, about parmesan cheese, 80g is 490 yen plus consumption tax 8%, is 4.0 euro. (1 euro = 131.5 yen).

クラフト 100%パルメザンチーズ80g | チーズ・バター | 商品紹介 | 森永乳業株式会社
「クラフト 100%パルメザンチーズ80g」を紹介するページです。かがやく"笑顔"のために【森永乳業株式会社】

And about mozzarella cheese, 100g is 390 yen plus consumption tax 8%, is 3.2 euro.

クラフト フレッシュモッツァレラ | チーズ・バター | 商品紹介 | 森永乳業株式会社
「クラフト フレッシュモッツァレラ」を紹介するページです。かがやく"笑顔"のために【森永乳業株式会社】

And it has less variety in Japan.

In Italy, parmesan cheese, 100g is around 2 euro, and mozzarella cheese 125g is around 0.6 euro – 1 euro.

How about your country?
In regards to cheese, Japan is a most expensive country, I think.

Yesterday, I bought 3 different kinds of cheese. One is mix powder cheese (0.99 euro), another is Gorgonzola (1.8 euro), the other is Scamorza (1.39 euro).

When I bought this Scamorza cheese in a grocery store, I was convinced it was Mozzarella.
But it was different cheese.
The shape of Scamorza is very cute, it’s kind of a gourd or a snow man.

Then I made a snow man.

イタリアの日常生活 No.2



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