「めまい II」 について / About “Dizzy II”
Works “Dizzy II” are arrangements from “Dizzy” which are flap variations in Variety unit series.
The flap variations of “Dizzy II” can apply to works on diagrams of “Obi and Line”, “Half pocket and Headband”, “Lightning2 and Long crossing”, “Clown”, or “Crochet lace”.
I made only three works from a diagram “Obi and Line” as samples.
「めまい II」はバラエテイユニットシリーズのフラップバリエーション「めまい」のアレンジ。「めまい」同様に、「帯/ライン」「半ポケ/はちまき」「稲妻2/ロングクロス」「ピエロ」「クロッシェレース」の折り図に掲載されている作品に適用可。
Works data
Created : Jul.2019
Drawing : Sep.2019
Joining method : Flap and Pocket joint
Number parts : 30
Paper size : 7.5cm × 7.5cm
リスト更新 / Lists of Variety unit Flap variations were updated.
A part of works in Variety unit series consists of a body part and flap parts.
A body part has its own design, like “Obi”, “Line”, “Clown” etc…
And various flap designs can be applied to flap parts.
The flap designs are more than 20 kinds, and each kind has some variations.
Applicable flap design depends on each body design, please refer to the lists of Flap variations in variety unit series when you try making new variety unit works.
The lists updated yesterday, 11.Sep.2019.
折り図配布中 / Distributing the diagram of “Dizzy II”
The diagram of “Dizzy II” is distributed as the monthly diagrams of Sep. 2019 for patrons who are $10 or more on the site of “Patreon“.
「めまい II」の折り図はPatreonとキャンプファイヤーとメールマガジンにて配布中!!