「幻月」について / About “Paraselene”
Is this work “Arabesque“?
No, this is not.
Is this work “Sham“?
No, this is not.
This work is neither “Arabesque” nor “Sham”, also not a new work.
I created it in Aug. 2009 and published named “Sham ball“.
This year, I found a unique thing out that “Sham ball” will become almost the same shape as “Arabesque” if it’s folded with paper having a ratio of one to three.
“Paraselene” has both looking like “Arabesque” or “Sham”, it depends on used paper size.
So, I renamed it “Paraselene”.
「シャム玉」は、1 : 3の紙で折るとアラベスクそっくりになる。
名前の由来 / The name come from…
“Paraselene” is one of the atmospheric optical phenomena. It’s known as “Moon dog”.
《気象》幻月◆巻雲や巻層雲の氷の結晶などに月の光が屈折をし、通例、月の両側に現れる明るい円や輪。月が明るい満月やそれに近いときに起きるが、幻日(parhelion)よりもまれな現象である。mock moonやmoon dogの正式名称。◆【語源】17世紀にギリシャ語のselene(=moon)と接頭辞のpara-(=beside)から。(by 英辞郎 / ALC)
月の両側に1個ずつ、別に月があるように見えるもの。空中の氷晶により光が屈折してできる暈 (かさ) の一種。《季 秋》(by goo 辞書)
Work’s data
Created : Aug.2009
Drawing : Sep.2019
Joining method : Arabesque joint
Number parts : 30
Paper size : rectangle
「幻月」の特徴 / Two characteristics of “Paraselene”
その1: 使用できる紙のサイズ / No.1: Paper size
“Paraselene” is able to make with any rectangle paper having a ratio of one to three or more.
It means it’s not able to make with square paper.
This characteristic is different from either “Arabesque” or “Sham” which are able to be made with square paper or any rectangle paper.
In the case of using paper having a ratio of one to three, the looks of completed work will become the same as “Arabesque” looking almost.
In the case of using paper having a ratio of one to more than four, the looks of completed work will become the same as “Sham” looking almost.
「幻月」は 1 : 3(またはそれ以上)の比率なら、どんなサイズの紙からでも作ることができる。別の見方をすると、正方形からは作れない。1 : 2 の紙もアウト。1 : 3 以上じゃぁないと、ダメなんだな。
1 : 3の紙を使った場合、仕上がった作品の見た目は、ほぼアラベスクと同じになる。
1 : 4(またはそれ以上)の紙を使った場合、仕上がった作品の見た目は、ほぼシャムと同じになる。
ちなみに15cmの折り紙をカットして 1 : 3 (3.75 × 11.25 cm)の比率の紙を作ると、1枚の紙から 5枚の紙を切り出すことができる。
15cmの折り紙から正方形の折り紙 (7.5cm) を切り出す場合を考えると、結構なエコ作品。
その2: ジョイント部分 / No.2: The part of joint
Joining parts together method is “Arabesque-joint” for this work, but pockets a part have are not complete pockets.
It’s just gaps.
Even though, parts will be connected strongly and it doesn’t come them off easily.
And a part of the joint is bigger than “Arabesque” and “Sham”.
The case of making this work with using paper which is long and narrow like a ratio of one to four, it’s easier assembling than making “Arabesque” or “Sham”.
たとえば、1 : 4 のような細長い紙を使う場合は、「アラベスク」や「シャム」よりも組み立てやすい。と言える。かも。
折り図配布中 / Distributing the diagram of “Paraselene”
The diagram of “Paraselene” is distributed as the monthly diagrams of Oct. 2019 for patrons who are $3 or more on the site of “Patreon“.
It includes one basic work and one arrangement work, also it shows how to make five pieces of paper having a ratio of one to three from one big square paper (15cm).
基本の折り方と、ひとつのアレンジ付き。さらに、正方形の紙から5枚の 1 : 3 の折り紙を作る方法も掲載!!