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こんなに暑いクリスマスは人生初かもしれない / Christmas in hot Malaysia

クリスマスにショッピングモールに行った / I went to a shopping mall at Christmas

Hot days are continuing here in Malaysia.
This is the first time I spend Christmas time in such a hot place in my whole life.
I thought the outside would be too hot, then I went out in thin clothes, but the shopping mall was air-conditioned and it was cold a little bit for me.


レストランでランチ / Lunch at restaurants

Every time I go to the shopping mall, I have lunch in restaurants.

I’m not a vegetarian, but I avoid eating meat except fish and shellfish usually.
So to speak, I might be a pesco vegetarian, but not so strict, I seldom ate chicken.

I had a healthy Meal at the restaurant of “The Chicken Rice Shop” yesterday where is in the shopping mall. It’s a set menu that healthy chicken breast, chicken rice, braise towfoo, braised egg, bean sprout, soup, and mineral water.
19.80 RM.

This is like a celebration for Christmas.

The meal’s taste was not bad, but it was a little bit strong taste for me.
I have a tendency to be light-seasoning taste.


私は普段 「魚介類」 を除いて、めったに肉類を食べることはない。いわゆる 「ペスコ・ベジタリアン」っちゅうやつ。
ただ、私の性格上そう厳格になり切れず、チキンはごく稀に食べることがある。豚肉は 「食べたくない」。うっかり牛肉なんぞを食べてしまった日にゃ、後悔が半端ない。

昨日はクリスマスということで “The Chicken Rice Shop” で Healthy Meal を食べた。
19.80 RM (約554円)。


たぶんこれは 「私にとっては。」 だと思う。

食糧調達 / Buying foods and drinks for 10 days

I bought foods and drinks for 10 days at a grocery store.
The total weight was around 19kg. It’s usual.

But when I jumped in a Grab-car, the driver asked me “Celebrate Christmas?”

It was my Christmas eve day and I thought it was nice.

Merry Christmas!!


えのき (Enoki-mushroom) 1.50kg
ひらたけ (Oyster mushroom) 1.20kg
ナス (Eggplant) 約1.18kg
カリフラワー (Cauliflower) 約1.27kg
オクラ (Lady finger) 約1.12kg
かぼちゃ (Pumpkin) 約1.02kg
キャベツ (Cabbage) 2.03kg
白菜 (Chinese cabbage) 約1.88kg
トマト (Tomato) 約3.09kg
玉ねぎ (Onion) 約2.42kg

Apricot Kernel 150g
アーモンド (Almond) 250g
モッツァレラチーズ (Mozzarella cheese) 224g

アサヒビール (Beer) 320ml 1本
ウォッカ (Vodka) 700ml × 2本

ちなみに、合計代金は 228.8RM (約6,300円) 、うち酒代 86.7RM (約2,400円)(←笑うとこ)

「Celebrate Christmas? (クリスマスのお祝い?)」 と尋ねられてしまった。



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