Clover / クローバー
The monthly diagram of Sep. 2022 for $3 patrons on Patreon has been distributed yesterday.
The diagram is “Clover”.
The works are modular type, 30 parts, with square paper, no glued.
Patreon で2022年9月の$3ドルのパトロンさま向けのマンスリー折り図が配信されました。「クローバー」です。作品は、モジュラータイプでパーツは30個。正方形の紙から作られています。接着剤は必要ありません。
Characteristics / 特徴
A joining method that I named “Rosette joint” is one of “Flap and Pocket joint” that connect parts using flaps and pockets. The direction of insertion of the flap is rotated 90 degrees with respect to the Sonobe unit.
The first work I made it was “Rosette” (that’s why I call the joint name is “Rosette joint”), the works of “Clover” have a different ratio.
The finished part is one-third the width of the original square of paper.
You will also learn how to accurately trisect a square piece of paper with this works.
Thank you for your support!! / 創作活動を応援してくださると嬉しいです!!
Through the art activity of creating kusudama, I would like to make it easy for everyone to enjoy geometric art.
Please support my creative activities.
Patreon または キャンプファイヤーでは、毎月あたらしい作品の折り図を2点配布しています。