Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Tokiyomi / 時読(ときよみ)

Tokiyomi / 時読(ときよみ)MEMOI created this when I created work "Sham's Bolero". The using paper is with a ratio of 8:13, but it can also be made from paper with a ratio of 1:2. The work's name is a word I coined.シャムズボレロを創作した時に、創った作品。8:13の比率の紙を使っ
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Stars” / マジックブルーム “星々”

Sakikoboshi / 咲き小星Heikeboshi / 平家星(へいけぼし)Genjiboshi / 源氏星(げんじぼし)Work's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedMarch 2008MadeApril 2024DrawingApril 2024Number of parts30 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining m
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Popping star / ポッピングスター

Utakata-boshi / 泡沫星(うたかたぼし)Koboshi / 小星(こぼし)MEMOPopping Star is one of variation in the Variety Unit series, a piece I created in 2008 that is the basic form of Magic Bloom. All Magic Bloom variations begin with this shape. It is the same s
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Mutsubi boshi / むつび星

Mutsubi boshi with 1:3 ratio paper / むつび星 1:3 の紙でMutsubi boshi with 2:5 ratio paper / むつび星 2:5 の紙でMEMOThis work is a development from "Hoshi Asobi". The paper size is 1:3 ratio of length and width, and consists of 30 pieces. The finished sh
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Hoshi Asobi / 星あそび

Hoshi Asobi / 星あそびHoshi Asobi with Non corner / 星あそび × ノンコーナーSham with Non corner / シャム × ノンコーナーMEMOThese are modular pieces that do not require glue to assemble parts. The paper size is 1:3 and the connection method is Arabesque joint. Ver
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華MEMOThis is one of the variation works of “Manjushage”.It can be assembled like the original work, and can also be assembled like Manjushage-Kai."Ranbu no Manjushage" means Manjushage dancing madly.曼珠沙華のバリエーションの
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Magische Kroon Variations Vol.1 / 魔法の王冠 バリエーション Vol.1

Sekiu / 赤烏(せきう)Kinu / 金烏(きんう)MEMOThese are development works from "Magische Kroon", that modular-type assembled without glue.The works are used 1:4 ratio paper. The connecting method is Arabesque-joint, the fold to lock can be made the both
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Jounetsu no Manjushage / 情熱の曼珠沙華

MEMOThis is one of the variation works of "Manjushage". It can be assembled like the original work, and can also be assembled like Manjushage-Kai. "Jounetsu no Manjushage" means passionate Lycoris radiata.曼珠沙華のバリエーションのひとつです。オリジナルのように組むと接着剤の
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Mitsudomoe unit II / 三つ巴ユニット 弐

Mitsudomoe unit II / 三つ巴ユニット 弐Mitsu-henge / 三つ変化(みつへんげ)The first form / 第壱形態The second form / 第弐形態The third form / 第参形態Ichimatsu Type / 市松タイプMEMOThese are modular types of works connected by "Tomoe joint" and assembled in a different way fr
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Magische kroon / 魔法の王冠

Magische kroon (2.6 × 7.4cm, 13:37 ratio) / 魔法の王冠Magische kroon II (3.2 × 8.8cm, 4:11 ratio) / 魔法の王冠 IIMagische kroon (3.75 × 9.375 cm, 2:5 ratio) with Zabuton / 魔法の王冠 & ざぶとんMEMO"Magsche kroon" is the work of "Kroon" made with rectangular p
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Mitsudomoe unit / 三つ巴ユニット

Mitsudomoe unit / 三つ巴ユニットMitsudomoe unit-Out line type / 三つ巴ユニット ふちどりタイプToge-domoe / 棘巴(とげどもえ)MEMO"Mitsudomoe unit" is a modular type of work that can be assembled without glue, and uses the Tomoe joint method of connecting parts for assemb
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Manjushage Variations Vol.1 / 曼珠沙華 バリエーション Vol.1

Manjushage-Kai / 曼珠沙華 - 改(かい)Manjushage-Rei / 曼珠沙華 - 零(れい)Manjusyage-Kobore / 曼珠沙華 - 溢(こぼれ)MEMOThe original Manjushage requires the help of glue, even though the parts have flaps and pockets.Manjushage - Kai" is the result of trial and erro
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Arabesuqe’s Passacaglia / アラベスクスパッサカリア

Arabesque's Passacaglia (3:4 ratio paper) / アラベスクスパッサカリア (比率 3:4 の紙)© Mio TsugawaArabesque's Passacaglia (7:8 ratio paper) / アラベスクスパッサカリア (比率 7:8 の紙)MEMOA piece that combines “Arabesque” and “ Passacaglia”. The joint places are 2, Using joi
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Manjushage / 曼珠沙華(まんじゅしゃげ)

Work's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedJanuary 2008MadeFebruaryDrawingJanuary 2024Number of parts30 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining methodFlap and Pocket jointMEMOManjushage is one of a series of
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Ripples of Clover / クローバーの波紋

Ripples of Clover / クローバーの波紋Ripples of Clock Clover / 時計のクローバーの波紋MEMOThese works are developed from the work of "Clover". Parts are 60 pieces, assembled without glue.クローバーを発展させた作品です。パーツは60、接着剤を使わずに組み立てます。パーツが3個集まっているところが、クローバーと同じ形をしています。組んで
Fold lock joint / フォールドロックジョイント

Five-Leaf-Clover / 5つ葉のクローバー

Five-Leaf-Clover / 5つ葉のクローバーGlorious Clover / 栄光のクローバーHappy Clover / しあわせのクローバーMEMOThese works are made by rotating the work of "Clover parts 90 degrees and assembling them. The parts are connected using the method of "Fold lock joint". The
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Clover / クローバー

Clover / クローバーClock Clover / 時計のクローバーTwinkle Clover / 瞬きのクローバーMEMOThis is a work assembled using "Rosetta joint". It is a subtype of "Granny knot". The width of the parts is a little narrower than the Granny knot knot. I named it Clover bec
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Hoshi-akari Variations / 星あかり バリエーション

Yuki-akari / 雪あかりHoshi-matsuri / 星まつりMEMOThese are variations from Hoshi-akari. Yuki-akari is very similar to the relationship between Sterrennacht and Starry Night. Although it is not as difficult as Starry Night, the difficulty level of f
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Passacaglia with 3 : 4 / 3 : 4のパッサカリア

Passacaglia with 3 : 4 / 3 : 4のパッサカリアWork's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedAugust 2010MadeDecember 2023DrawingDecember 2023Number of parts 30 piecesPaper size13.125 × 17.5 cm (ratio 3:4)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining methodArabesq
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Starry night / スターリーナイト

Starry night / スターリーナイトWork's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedApril 2017DrawingAugust 2019Number of parts30 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining methodArabesque jointStarry night variation / スターリーナイト