Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Mutsubi boshi / むつび星

Mutsubi boshi with 1:3 ratio paper / むつび星 1:3 の紙で Mutsubi boshi with 2:5 ratio paper / むつび星 2:5 の紙で MEMO This work is a development from "Hoshi Asobi". The paper size is 1:3 ratio of length and width, and consists of 30 pieces. The finished
Paste Type / ペーストタイプ

Kanzashi zakura / 簪桜(かんざしざくら)

Kanzashi zakura / 簪桜(かんざしざくら) MEMO Paper size is a 1:5 ratio, with 60 parts, and parts are assembled with glue. The diagram includes how to make a 1:5 ratio paper. The name of the work is an actual variety of cherry blossoms. It is very rar
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Hoshi Asobi / 星あそび

Hoshi Asobi / 星あそび Hoshi Asobi with Non corner / 星あそび × ノンコーナー Sham with Non corner / シャム × ノンコーナー MEMO These are modular pieces that do not require glue to assemble parts. The paper size is 1:3 and the connection method is Arabesque joint.
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華 MEMO This is one of the variation works of “Manjushage”. It can be assembled like the original work, and can also be assembled like Manjushage-Kai. "Ranbu no Manjushage" means Manjushage dancing madly. 曼珠沙華のバリエ
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Magische Kroon Variations Vol.1 / 魔法の王冠 バリエーション Vol.1

Sekiu / 赤烏(せきう) Kinu / 金烏(きんう) MEMO These are development works from "Magische Kroon", that modular-type assembled without glue. The works are used 1:4 ratio paper. The connecting method is Arabesque-joint, the fold to lock can be made the
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Jounetsu no Manjushage / 情熱の曼珠沙華

MEMO This is one of the variation works of "Manjushage". It can be assembled like the original work, and can also be assembled like Manjushage-Kai. "Jounetsu no Manjushage" means passionate Lycoris radiata. 曼珠沙華のバリエーションのひとつです。オリジナルのように組むと接着
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Magische kroon / 魔法の王冠

Magische kroon (2.6 × 7.4cm, 13:37 ratio) / 魔法の王冠 Magische kroon II (3.2 × 8.8cm, 4:11 ratio) / 魔法の王冠 II Magische kroon (3.75 × 9.375 cm, 2:5 ratio) with Zabuton / 魔法の王冠 & ざぶとん MEMO "Magsche kroon" is the work of "Kroon" made with rectangul
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Manjushage Variations Vol.1 / 曼珠沙華 バリエーション Vol.1

Manjushage-Kai / 曼珠沙華 - 改(かい) Manjushage-Rei / 曼珠沙華 - 零(れい) Manjusyage-Kobore / 曼珠沙華 - 溢(こぼれ) MEMO The original Manjushage requires the help of glue, even though the parts have flaps and pockets. Manjushage - Kai" is the result of trial and
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Arabesuqe’s Passacaglia / アラベスクスパッサカリア

Arabesque's Passacaglia (3:4 ratio paper) / アラベスクスパッサカリア (比率 3:4 の紙) © Mio Tsugawa Arabesque's Passacaglia (7:8 ratio paper) / アラベスクスパッサカリア (比率 7:8 の紙) MEMO A piece that combines “Arabesque” and “ Passacaglia”. The joint places are 2, Using
Decoration part / デコレーションパーツ

1/8 rectangle standard “Rose” Vol.4 / 1/8 矩形規格「薔薇」Vol.4

Bolero with Urara-Rose / ボレロ & うららローズ Square Sham with Kouka-Rose / シャム & 光華(こうか)ローズ MEMO These works are decoration parts that decorate works with 1/8 rectangle standard. It can decorate works "Sham", "Furiant Sharp type", "Furiant Natural