Square paper

Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Hypericum patulum” “Hime-Genge” / マジックブルーム「金糸梅(きんしばい)」「姫紫雲英(ひめげんげ)」

Hypericum patulum / 金糸梅(きんしばい) Hime-Genge / 姫紫雲英(ひめげんげ) Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created July 2024 Made July 2024 Drawing July 2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joini
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Parallelo fantasia variations Vol.2 / パラレッロ・ファンタジア バリエーション Vol.2

Frammento di fantasia Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created July 2024 Made July 2024 Drawing July 2024 Number of parts 60 pieces (30 parts) Paper size 3.75 × 7.5 cm (Half-square paper), 3.75cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No
Fold lock joint / フォールドロックジョイント

Minazuki variations / 水無月バリエーション

Minazuki with 4:3 ratio paper / 3:4の水無月 Minazuki III / 水無月 参 Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created June 2024 Made June 2024 Drawing June 2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 15 × 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No gl
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Hikadama” / マジックブルーム「緋花玉(ひかだま)」

Magic bloom "Hikadama" / マジックブルーム「緋花玉(ひかだま)」 Magic bloom "Hikadamano-hana" / マジックブルーム「緋花玉の花(ひかだまのはな)」 Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created March 2008 Made Jun 2024 Drawing Jun 2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square pap
Fold lock joint / フォールドロックジョイント

Minazuki / 水無月(みなづき)

Minazuki / 水無月(みなづき) Minazuki II / 水無月(みなづき)弐 Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created June 2024 Made June 2024 Drawing June 2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square-paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Hime” and “Hoshino-hitomi” / マジックブルーム「姫」「星の瞳」

Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created Mar.2008 Made Mar.2008 Drawing May.2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Rosette joint MEMO Both works were created in 200
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Hinaarare” / マジックブルーム “ひなあられ”

Magic bloom "Hinaarare" / マジックブルーム "ひなあられ" Magic bloom "Hinaarare II" / マジックブルーム "ひなあられ 弐" Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created March 2008 Made May 2024 Drawing May 2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Stars” / マジックブルーム “星々”

Sakikoboshi / 咲き小星 Heikeboshi / 平家星(へいけぼし) Genjiboshi / 源氏星(げんじぼし) Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created March 2008 Made April 2024 Drawing April 2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (N
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Popping star / ポッピングスター

Utakata-boshi / 泡沫星(うたかたぼし) Koboshi / 小星(こぼし) MEMO Popping Star is one of variation in the Variety Unit series, a piece I created in 2008 that is the basic form of Magic Bloom. All Magic Bloom variations begin with this shape. It is the sam
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華 MEMO This is one of the variation works of “Manjushage”. It can be assembled like the original work, and can also be assembled like Manjushage-Kai. "Ranbu no Manjushage" means Manjushage dancing madly. 曼珠沙華のバリエ
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Jounetsu no Manjushage / 情熱の曼珠沙華

MEMO This is one of the variation works of "Manjushage". It can be assembled like the original work, and can also be assembled like Manjushage-Kai. "Jounetsu no Manjushage" means passionate Lycoris radiata. 曼珠沙華のバリエーションのひとつです。オリジナルのように組むと接着
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Mitsudomoe unit II / 三つ巴ユニット 弐

Mitsudomoe unit II / 三つ巴ユニット 弐 Mitsu-henge / 三つ変化(みつへんげ) The first form / 第壱形態 The second form / 第弐形態 The third form / 第参形態 Ichimatsu Type / 市松タイプ MEMO These are modular types of works connected by "Tomoe joint" and assembled in a different
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Mitsudomoe unit / 三つ巴ユニット

Mitsudomoe unit / 三つ巴ユニット Mitsudomoe unit-Out line type / 三つ巴ユニット ふちどりタイプ Toge-domoe / 棘巴(とげどもえ) MEMO "Mitsudomoe unit" is a modular type of work that can be assembled without glue, and uses the Tomoe joint method of connecting parts for as
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Manjushage / 曼珠沙華(まんじゅしゃげ)

Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created January 2008 Made February Drawing January 2024 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Flap and Pocket joint MEMO Manjushage is
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Clover / クローバー

Clover / クローバー Clock Clover / 時計のクローバー Twinkle Clover / 瞬きのクローバー MEMO This is a work assembled using "Rosetta joint". It is a subtype of "Granny knot". The width of the parts is a little narrower than the Granny knot knot. I named it Clover
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Hoshi-akari Variations / 星あかり バリエーション

Yuki-akari / 雪あかり Hoshi-matsuri / 星まつり MEMO These are variations from Hoshi-akari. Yuki-akari is very similar to the relationship between Sterrennacht and Starry Night. Although it is not as difficult as Starry Night, the difficulty level o
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Starry night / スターリーナイト

Starry night / スターリーナイト Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created April 2017 Drawing August 2019 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Arabesque joint Starry night varia
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Hoshi-akari / 星あかり

Hoshi-akari / 星あかり Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created December 2023 Drawing December 2023 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Arabesque joint Kilala / 綺羅羅(きらら)
Fold lock joint / フォールドロックジョイント

Polonaise Natural Type / ポロネーズ ナチュラルタイプ

Polonaise Natural Type / ポロネーズ ナチュラルタイプ Polonaise Natural Type Dress-up "Half Fantaisie" / ポロネーズ ナチュラルタイプ『着せ替え半幻想』 Polonaise Natural Type: Trial work / ポロネーズ ナチュラルタイプ 試作品 Work's Data Author © Mio Tsugawa Created December 2023 Made December
Decoration part / デコレーションパーツ

Dumka Decoration parts Vol.5 / ドゥムカデコレーションパーツ Vol.5

Dumka Sharp type with Popping III / ドゥムカシャープタイプ & ポッピングIII The left side photo is before adding curl. I think I think that it can not add curl to the work of "Dumka Natural type". Dumka Sharp type only can show beautiful curls. 左の写真はカールを加える