Square paper

Coil joint / コイルジョイント

Innocent variation / イノセント バリエーション

© Mio Tsugawa © Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Jul.2011 Made Aug.2019 Drawing Not yet Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Coil joint MEMO It's a v
Coil joint / コイルジョイント

Innocent curled outwards / イノセント 外巻き

© Mio Tsugawa © Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Jul.2011 Made Aug.2019 Drawing Aug.2019 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Coil joint MEMO This is
Coil joint / コイルジョイント

Innocent / イノセント

© Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Jul.2011 Made Jul.2011 Drawing Aug.2019 Number of parts pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method coil joint MEMO This is an arrangement o
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Marble variation 3 / マーブル バリエーション 3

© Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Feb.2021 Drawing Not yet Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Flap and Pocket joint MEMO I created this variation,
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Marble variation 2 / マーブル バリエーション 2

© Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Feb.2021 Drawing Mar.2021 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Flap and Pocket joint MEMO This is one of variation
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Marble variation / マーブル バリエーション

© Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Feb.2021 Drawing Mar.2021 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Flap and Pocket joint MEMO This is a simple variati
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Marble counter-rotation / マーブル 半回転

© Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Feb.2021 Drawing Mar.2021 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Flap and Pocket joint MEMO If the joints will be sw
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Marble / マーブル

© Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Feb.2021 Drawing Mar.2021 Number of parts 30 pieces Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Flap and Pocket joint MEMO The way of connecting pa
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Applause / アプローズ

© Mio Tsugawa Work's Data Author Mio Tsugawa Created Nov.2009 Drawing Feb.2014 Number of parts 30 Paper size 7.5 cm (Square paper) Joining materials No use (No glued) Joining method Roll joint MEMO Very simple shape creates very beautiful w