Tomoe ball / 巴玉(ともえだま)

Tomoe ball Ni / 巴玉(ともえだま) 弐

Work’s Data
- Author
- ©Mio Tsugawa
- Created
- March 2023
- Made
- March 2023
- Drawing
- April 2023
- Number of parts
- 30 pieces
- Paper size
- 3.75 × 15cm (Square paper)
- Joining materials
- No use (No glued)
- Joining method
- Tomoe joint
These works are variations of Mitsudomoe unit IV made with 1 : 4 ratio paper, assembled without glue, using 30 pieces.
The decorative part can be curled, made into a tube, or played with in various ways.
The name using this work “Tomoe (巴)” is one of the traditional Japanese patterns shaped like a comma or a Magatama, or a general term for a pattern using Tomoe.
Tomoe by wiki
三つ巴ユニット 肆のバリエーションです。接着剤を使わずに組み立てるモジュラータイプの作品で、飾りのような部分も接着剤を使わずに作ります。
You can make it! The diagram is 330 JPY (Include tax).
折り図売ってます。1部 330円 (税込み)です。
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