Nature motif

Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Mitsudomoe unit Deko Variations Vol.7 / 三つ巴ユニット凸 バリエーション Vol.7

Pop IV / ポップ IVSaga Chrysanthemum / 嵯峨菊(さがぎく)MEMOThese are variations of the Mitsudomoe unit Deko. Each part is made up of two pieces of different sizes. These two parts are assembled without using glue. No glue is required when assembling
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Kurehashidare” & “Dianthus shinanensis” / マジックブルーム『呉服枝垂(くれはしだれ)』『信濃撫子(しなのなでしこ)』

Kurehashidare / 呉服枝垂(くれはしだれ)Dianthus shinanensis / 信濃撫子(しなのなでしこ)Work's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedMarch 2008, January 2025MadeMarch 2008, January 2025DrawingJanuary 2025Number of parts piecesPaper size15 × 7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining ma
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Shooku-no-chou” and “Kojou-no-haru” / マジックブルーム「書屋の蝶」「古城の春」

Shooku-no-chou / 書屋の蝶(しょおくのちょう)Kojou-no-haru / 古城の春(こじょうのはる)Work's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedMarch 2008MadeMarch 2008, December 2024DrawingDecember 2024Number of parts30 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No g
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Mitsudomoe unit Deko Variations Vol.3 / 三つ巴ユニット凸 バリエーション Vol.3

The ancient sun / 古代の太陽The ancient sun II / 古代の太陽 弐Work's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedDecember 2024MadeDecember 2024DrawingDecember 2024Number of parts60 piecesPaper size3.75 × 15 cm (1:4 ratio), 3.75 × 7.5 cm (Half-square paper)Joining m
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Magic bloom “Hibiscus clayi” and “Hibiscus hamabo” / マジックブルーム「ハイビスカス・クレイ」「浜朴(はまぼう)」

Hibiscus clayi / ハイビスカス・クレイHibiscus hamabo / 浜朴(はまぼう)Work's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedOctober 2024MadeOctober 2024DrawingOctober 2024Number of parts 30 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining metho
Paste Type / ペーストタイプ

Yūgen-zakura & Yūgen-yaezakura / 幽玄桜(ゆうげんざくら)& 幽玄八重桜(ゆうげんやえざくら)

Yūgen-zakura / 幽玄桜(ゆうげんざくら)Yūgen-yaezakura / 幽玄八重桜(ゆうげんやえざくら)MEMOThe work developed from "Mugen-zakura".Parts are needed 60, assembled with glue.The work can be made with 1:8 or more ratio paper. Very simple folding and assembly.夢幻桜からの発展作品で
Paste Type / ペーストタイプ

Mugen zakura / 夢幻桜(むげんざくら)

Mugen zakura with 1:4 ratio paper / 夢幻桜 1:4 の比率の紙でMugen zakura with 1:6 ratio paper / 夢幻桜 1:6 の比率の紙でMEMOParts are needed 60, assembled with glue.The work can be made with 1:4 or more ratio paper. Very simple folding and assembly.接着剤を使って組み立て
Paste Type / ペーストタイプ

Kanzashi zakura / 簪桜(かんざしざくら)

Kanzashi zakura / 簪桜(かんざしざくら)MEMOPaper size is a 1:5 ratio, with 60 parts, and parts are assembled with glue. The diagram includes how to make a 1:5 ratio paper. The name of the work is an actual variety of cherry blossoms. It is very rare
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華

Ranbu no Manjushage / 乱舞の曼珠沙華MEMOThis is one of the variation works of “Manjushage”.It can be assembled like the original work, and can also be assembled like Manjushage-Kai."Ranbu no Manjushage" means Manjushage dancing madly.曼珠沙華のバリエーションの
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Magische Kroon Variations Vol.1 / 魔法の王冠 バリエーション Vol.1

Sekiu / 赤烏(せきう)Kinu / 金烏(きんう)MEMOThese are development works from "Magische Kroon", that modular-type assembled without glue.The works are used 1:4 ratio paper. The connecting method is Arabesque-joint, the fold to lock can be made the both
Decoration part / デコレーションパーツ

1/8 rectangle standard “Rose” Vol.4 / 1/8 矩形規格「薔薇」Vol.4

Bolero with Urara-Rose / ボレロ & うららローズSquare Sham with Kouka-Rose / シャム & 光華(こうか)ローズMEMOThese works are decoration parts that decorate works with 1/8 rectangle standard.It can decorate works "Sham", "Furiant Sharp type", "Furiant Natural typ
Fold lock joint / フォールドロックジョイント

Five-Leaf-Clover / 5つ葉のクローバー

Five-Leaf-Clover / 5つ葉のクローバーGlorious Clover / 栄光のクローバーHappy Clover / しあわせのクローバーMEMOThese works are made by rotating the work of "Clover parts 90 degrees and assembling them. The parts are connected using the method of "Fold lock joint". The
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Hoshi-akari Variations / 星あかり バリエーション

Yuki-akari / 雪あかりHoshi-matsuri / 星まつりMEMOThese are variations from Hoshi-akari. Yuki-akari is very similar to the relationship between Sterrennacht and Starry Night. Although it is not as difficult as Starry Night, the difficulty level of f
Decoration part / デコレーションパーツ

Decoration parts: 1/8 rectangle standard “Halo” Vol.2 / デコレーションパーツ 1/8 矩形規格 「光輪」Vol.2

Halo III / 光輪 IIIHalo IV / 光輪 IVWork's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedFebruary 2022DrawingMarch 2022Number of parts 30 piecesPaper size15 × 3.75 cm (ratio 1:4)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)MEMO“Halo” series is a decoration part that deco
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Starry night / スターリーナイト

Starry night / スターリーナイトWork's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedApril 2017DrawingAugust 2019Number of parts30 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining methodArabesque jointStarry night variation / スターリーナイト
Arabesque joint / アラベスクジョイント

Hoshi-akari / 星あかり

Hoshi-akari / 星あかりWork's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedDecember 2023DrawingDecember 2023Number of parts30 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining methodArabesque jointKilala / 綺羅羅(きらら)MEMOIt is a subty
Paste Type / ペーストタイプ

Mitsuwari sakura temari / 三つ割桜てまり

Mitsuwari sakura temari Type A / 三つ割桜てまり タイプAMitsuwari sakura temari Type B / 三つ割桜てまり タイプ BWork's DataAuthor© Mio TsugawaCreatedAugust 2023MadeAugust 2023DrawingAugust 2023Number of parts60 piecesPaper size7.5 cmJoining materialsGlue(Glued)
Flap and Pocket joint / フラップ & ポケットジョイント

Tsutsumidomoe / 堤巴(つつみどもえ)

Tsutsumidomoe / 堤巴(つつみどもえ)Tsutsumidomoe & Uzudomoe / 堤巴 & 渦巴(うずどもえ)Work's DataAuthor©Mio TsugawaCreatedNovember 2022MadeMay 2023DrawingMay 2023Number of parts60 piecesPaper size7.5 cm (Square paper)Joining materialsNo use (No glued)Joining
Modular Type / モジュラータイプ

Ka-chō-fū-getsu II × Half root 2 unit / 花鳥風月II × はーふるーと 2 ゆにっと

Ka-chō-fū-getsu II × Half root 2 unit / 花鳥風月II × はーふるーと 2 ゆにっとWork's DataAuthorMio TsugawaCreatedAug.2020MadeAug.2020DrawingAug.2020Number of partsMain part: 30, Half root 2 unit:150 piecesPaper sizeMain part: 10cm, Half root 2 unit: 5 cm (
Decoration part / デコレーションパーツ

Ka-chō-fū-getsu II / 花鳥風月 II

Ka-chō-fū-getsu II × Quarter unit / 花鳥風月 II × 1/4ゆにっとKa-chō-fū-getsu II × Cube box / 花鳥風月 II × キューブボックスKa-chō-fū-getsu II × Corner / 花鳥風月 II × コーナーWork's DataAuthorMio TsugawaCreatedMar.2008MadeApr.2020DrawingApr.2020Number of partsKa-chō-f