Pop IV / ポップ IV

Saga Chrysanthemum / 嵯峨菊(さがぎく)

These are variations of the Mitsudomoe unit Deko. Each part is made up of two pieces of different sizes. These two parts are assembled without using glue. No glue is required when assembling the parts.
“Pop IV” was originally a decoration part for the work of “Decorative box“, and this part has been applied as a part of the Mitsudomoe unit.
Conversely, the Saga chrysanthemum parts can also be used as decorative parts for the decorative box.
The work’s name “Saga chrysanthemum” comes from real flower chrysanthemum.
It is a type of classical chrysanthemum, the scientific name is Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. Saga.
『ポップ IV』 は、もともとデコラティブボックスのデコレーションパーツで、このパーツを三つ巴ユニットの部品に応用しました。
You can make it! The diagram is 330 JPY (Include tax).
折り図売ってます。1部 330円 (税込み)です。 → ORIGAMIO SHOP
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