How to make the Kusudama of “Crystallized”? / くすだま 「クリスタライズド」の作り方

Work data
created : Jan.2008
Drawing : Jan.2012
Number of a piece : 60
Assembling type : Paste type
Joining materials : Glue
Summary / 作品概要
用意するもの / Preparations
origami paper / 折り紙 : 60 sheets
Glue / 接着剤
Beads (Option) / ビーズとか
Tassels (Option) / リリヤーンとか
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Become a Patron!How to fold / 折り方
Page 1 : processes 1 – 10
- 1
- 2
- 3
Fold and unfold
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Page 2 : processes 11 – 20
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
The other side is folded in the same way as processes 7 – 14, too.
picture is enlarged
- 14
- 15
Fold and unfold
- 16
- 17
Open and squash
- 18
The other side is folded in the same way as processes 15 – 18, too.
- 19
- 20
Page 3 : processes 21 – 27
- 21
- 22
- 23
Folding process is finished.
- 24
It is margin for paste
- 25
Paste it on other side.
- 26
Making one part is finished.
- 27
It’s needed 60 parts.
How to make a flower unit / ユニットの作り方
- 1
Put glue on edge of a part (blue line) and paste two parts together.
- 2
- 3
As well as this, put glue on edge of a part and add 3th part.
- 4
Got three parts together.
- 5
Add 4th part
- 6
Got four parts together
- 7
Add 5th part
- 8
When 5 parts got together, put glue on the edge of unit and paste a first part together.
- 9
Making one unit finished !!
- 10
It’s needed 12 unit.
Assembly / 組み立て方
Diagram shows a process which is two or more margins for paste are in one photo. But pasting them one by one is better basically.
- 11
Blue lines are margins for paste. Put glue on it and get units together.
- 12
Got 2 units together
- 13
Margins for paste
- 14
Got three units together and turn it over.
- 15
Backside of process 14. Blue lines are margins for paste.
- 16
Got four units together
- 17
Backside of process 16. Blue lines are margins for paste.
Add units to it as these ways. - 18
This is a backside which got six units together. At this time, set a tassel on it if you like.
- 19
Set a tassel.
Please omit process 18 – 19 if you don’t need a tassel. - 20
Add unit in the same way. You are able to choose the place pasted a unit from anywhere.
- 21
Got 7th unit together
- 22
Got 8th unit together. Three blue lines are shown in a photo, but there are four lines actually.
- 23
There are 5 margins for paste
- 24
There are 5 margins for paste
- 25
- 26
Finished !! congratulations !!