Edelweiss with Quarter square
Work data
Created: Mar.2019
Drawing: Apr.2019
Type of Assembling : Modular-type
Joining method : Fold-lock-joint
Paper size: body-7.5cm, deco-part-3.75cm
Number of part: body-30 pieces, deco part-30 pieces
これはもう「モジュラー折り紙マニア向け」としかいいようが無い作品 / This work is totally for modular origami maniacs.
The monthly diagrams for patrons who are $10 or more in Patreon in this month(Apr.2014) have been distributed, it includes a new work, the name is “Edelweiss”.
The work of Edelweiss can be said that it is another work of “ländler” using “fold-lock joint” as a connecting method and the appearance of completion work is not so different from “ländler”.
It’s just for enjoying a way the different connection to assemble, then I can say that this work is for modular origami maniac totally.
自分でも驚いた。こんな単純な折りでもつながるのか「フォールド・ロックジョイント」 / Fold-lock-joint surprise me about how it works.
The work of ländler which was created in 2010 is used a method of Arabesque-joint to connect.
The other side, the work of Edelweiss I created this time is connected by Fold-lock-joint.
Fold-lock-joint is one of a method to connect parts by folding a part the joint.
It has a few folding mostly, has complicated folding rarely.
But the method of fold lock using for this Edelweiss is not having complicated folding.
It is only like “adding a bending” at a part of a joint.
When I created this work, I was very surprised, “they can be connected by only that!?”

Edelweiss arrangement with Quarter square
名前の由来 / The name come from
The name of “Edelweiss” is come from an old movie “The Sound of Music”.
The song “Edelweiss” was sung by Captain von Trapp.
When I was a student, I learn the song at music class.
Also, a dance of “Ländler” was danced by Maria and Captain von Trapp in the movie “The Sound of Music”.
So both names are connected by “The Sound of Music”.
パトロン様に配信中 / Distributing the diagram to my patrons.
This diagram of Edelweiss is distributed to my patrons who are $10 or more in this month as the monthly diagram.
It includes one arrangement.
Thank you for your support!!
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