
Daily life

草とたまごはイースターの装飾だったのか in Georgia / Easter in Georgia

Super market Carrefour Celebrate Easter 28 Apr. was Easter in Georgia. I noticed it by my host texting. Japanese people ...
Daily life

このロゴマークどっかで見たな in インドネシア / Super INDO, MAXI, and Food Lion

Super INDO のロゴマークの謎 / A mystery of the logo mark of Super INDO 12 days have passed since I came to Jakarta, Indonesia. A...
Daily life

道路を渡るには度胸と俊敏さが必要のタイ / It needs to risk my life to cross a street in Thailand.

どがして渡っだえ? (←鳥取弁 / どうやって渡るんだ?) / How can I cross a steet? There is a small grocery store I often use, it takes 5 minutes ...
Daily life

新しい旅友だち / A new travel friend

どうやって買うか / The problem is how to buy the USB cable. A battery of my smartphone had lasted for one week after I arrived i...
Daily life

天使が舞い降りたかもしれない奇跡的な出来事に遭遇した最後のマレーシア / A miracle happening that an angel may have come down in Malaysia

Mr. Micro USB ascended to heaven. Four days before my departure for Thailand, there was a happening that my micro USB ha...
Daily life

マレーシアで売られていた目を疑うもの / Something strange sold at a shopping mall, in Malaysia

Do those sell? I saw something strange in a shopping mall last year, it was 30 November. Malaysia doesn't have winter, i...

暗号かなんかと思ったよ / Is this cipher? in Malaysia

What makes me think it's a kind of cipher. When I went to the shopping mall last time, I saw funny stuff at a grocery st...
Daily life

珍しくBGMは日本語の曲 / I’m listening to Japanese songs unusually as BGM.

創作したり、聞き入ったり / Creating and Listening I'm listening to Japanese songs as BGM unusually while I'm creating the last works...
Daily life

マレーシアの不思議なクリスマス / Christmas in Malaysia

国教はイスラム教だけど、ショッピングモールは普通にクリスマスムード。だったりのマレーシア マレーシアの国教はイスラム教。 ということで、勝手に「クリスマスはきっと質素なんだろう。」と、思い込んでいたけど、ショッピングモールに行ってみると、普...