Daily life

Daily life

安い上に税込み、その上どんぶり勘定なレストラン Mapshalia in Tbilisi / Cheap, included tax, in addition, the bills are ballpark figures, the restaurant Mapshalia in Tbilisi. / მაფშალია

計算できないのは酔ってるせいじゃねぇ / I can not count a bill drunk?? I've visited Mpshalia restaurant which is in Tbilisi 5 times so far ...
Daily life

ジョージア満喫10日目ぐらいに歯の詰め物が取れ、ブラックジャック以外に連想できない歯医者さんにかかった話 / I went to a Georgian dentist.

ジョージア満喫10日目くらいに歯の詰めもんが取れる / It happened on the 10th days I was enjoying Georgia. それは、豆料理をはみはみしている時に起こった / The dinner tha...
Daily life

草とたまごはイースターの装飾だったのか in Georgia / Easter in Georgia

Super market Carrefour Celebrate Easter 28 Apr. was Easter in Georgia. I noticed it by my host texting. Japanese people ...
Daily life

グリルドポテトが絶品!レストラン Imeruli Sakhli in トビリシ/ Restaurant Imeruli Sakhli in Tbilisi/ რესტორანი იმერული სახლი

I enjoy daily life in Tbilisi. There are so many good restaurants here and I try visiting them for a change sometimes. ト...
Daily life

折り紙ゲット & ごはん in インドネシア / I got origami paper in Jakarta

仰天価格の折り紙 / Surprising price of origami-paper Day before yesterday, I got a lot of origami-paper at a shop which is in a ...
Daily life

このロゴマークどっかで見たな in インドネシア / Super INDO, MAXI, and Food Lion

Super INDO のロゴマークの謎 / A mystery of the logo mark of Super INDO 12 days have passed since I came to Jakarta, Indonesia. A...
Daily life

私が5時以降にしか買い物に出かけなかったわけ in タイ / Daily life in Thailand

タイならでは / only in Thailand I will note down about tips of daily life in Thailand before I forgot. タイの写真はいつも夕暮れの写真。 ちょっと暗く...
Daily life

道路を渡るには度胸と俊敏さが必要のタイ / It needs to risk my life to cross a street in Thailand.

どがして渡っだえ? (←鳥取弁 / どうやって渡るんだ?) / How can I cross a steet? There is a small grocery store I often use, it takes 5 minutes ...
Daily life

新しい旅友だち / A new travel friend

どうやって買うか / The problem is how to buy the USB cable. A battery of my smartphone had lasted for one week after I arrived i...
Daily life

天使が舞い降りたかもしれない奇跡的な出来事に遭遇した最後のマレーシア / A miracle happening that an angel may have come down in Malaysia

Mr. Micro USB ascended to heaven. Four days before my departure for Thailand, there was a happening that my micro USB ha...