New works the last year
Happy new year!!
I hope you are having a great time.
I created new six works about the rose series which is a decoration part the last year.
And I am going to draw these 4 roses in a diagram for my patrons, but I think it’s a little bit hard and it must be late…
The other 2 roses are going to be included in a new diagram of the next month.
Polonaise with Dolly-parton-rose

Polonaise with Dolly-parton-rose

Polonaise is one of work in the series of Kusudama suites.
And it can be decorated with decoration parts which are the 1/8 rectangle standard.
The diagram will be shown for patrons in the website “Patreon” as the monthly diagram of Jan. 2019.
Diagram : Polonaise
Artemis with Pascali-rose

Artemis with Pascali-rose

Artemis is one of arrangement work from Cynthia.
Also it has the 1/8 rectangle standard, it can be decorated with the 1/8 rectangle standard decoration parts.
The diagram of Artemis was shown for patrons as monthly diagram of Dec.2018.
Sham with Shiralee-rose

Sham with Shiralee-rose
Sham has the 1/8 rectangle standard, too. And it can be decorated with 1/8 rectangle standard decoration parts as well.
The diagram of Sham is shown for free on my website
Diagram : Sham
Cynthia with clytemnestra-rose

Cynthia with Clytemnestra-rose

Cynthia II
Cynthia has the 1/8 rectangle standard, too. And it can be decorated with the 1/8 rectangle standard decoration part as well as other works I showed in this post.
The diagram of Cynthia was shown for my patrons in the website “Patreon” as the monthly diagram of Dec.2019.
Diagram : Cynthia
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