Japanese & English

日本以外の日本語はこっちが正解なのか? / Is that correct Japanese in Asia other than Japan?

Written Japanese letters on this stuff are wrong too, but I saw it a lot in Bangkok.And it makes me feel that it might b...
Daily life

新しい旅友だち / A new travel friend

どうやって買うか / The problem is how to buy the USB cable. A battery of my smartphone had lasted for one week after I arrived i...


蛋白なエアアジア クアラルンプール空港のエアアジアは、今まで利用した空港会社の中で一番「蛋白」ぽかった。 チェックインがセルフ。 受託手荷物を預けるのもセルフ。 人件費削減なんだろうな。 逆に言えばセキュリティチェックに行くまでのすべての工...
Travel tips


エアアジアのここがすごい マレーシアからタイへは、エアアジアで移動した。 エアアジアに乗るのは、3回目。 1度目は、昨年6月。ガテマラから日本へ帰る最後のトランスファー。 ハワイ (ホノルル/HNL)から関西国際空港 (KIX)。 正確には...
Daily life

天使が舞い降りたかもしれない奇跡的な出来事に遭遇した最後のマレーシア / A miracle happening that an angel may have come down in Malaysia

Mr. Micro USB ascended to heaven. Four days before my departure for Thailand, there was a happening that my micro USB ha...
Travel tips

タイへ行こう / Shall we go to Thailand?

スイッチを回転 / Turning switch of my house door to other degrees. I thought recently; "I'd like to see another scenery.", then...
Daily life

マレーシアで売られていた目を疑うもの / Something strange sold at a shopping mall, in Malaysia

Do those sell? I saw something strange in a shopping mall last year, it was 30 November. Malaysia doesn't have winter, i...
Daily life

マレーシアの車は左側通行 / Cars Keep to the left side in Malaysia

Cars are driven on the left-hand side of the road in Malaysia, it's the same as Japan. This is a story when I arrived at...

暗号かなんかと思ったよ / Is this cipher? in Malaysia

What makes me think it's a kind of cipher. When I went to the shopping mall last time, I saw funny stuff at a grocery st...
Daily life

結構楽しんでいる外出 in マレーシア / am enjoying going out, in Malaysia

Lunch, Dessert and Grab-car Mr.Dakgalbi でランチ / Lunch at Mr.Dakgalbi I went to the shopping mall I use usually, which on ...