Work data
- Author
- Mio Tsugawa
- Creation date
- Mar. 2011
- Drawing
- Oct. 2017
- Parts
- 30 parts (60 pieces)
- Paper size
- 7.5 cm (Square) + 3.75 × 15cm
- Joining materials
- No use (No glued)
- Joining method
- Mulch modular joint, Rosette joint
Summary / 作品概要
This is a work whose parts will be assembled into the whole without glue, The joining method is “Rosette joint”, which use flaps and pockets like a model of most modular origami.
The difference of both “Flap and Pocket joint” and “Rosette joint” are only the direction whose Flaps insert into Pockets.
It’s simple to connect and assemble.
One part consists of two pieces, Piece A and Piece B.
These pieces will be also combined into one part without glue.
If you make them with different colors, it will be colorful work.
The diagram has one basic folding “Yubikiri”, how to combine pieces into one part and how to assemble parts into the whole, also include variations “Hari Senbon”.
About the name of work “Yubikiri”, it means “link little fingers with somebody to confirm/emphasize a promise; Pinky swear.
“Hari Senbon” means,
Hari = a needle
Senbon = a thousand
Pinky swear is also included the meaning that “if you break our promises, I will make you swallow a thousand needles.”
「フラップ & ポケット ジョイント」と「ロゼッタジョイント」の違いは、フラップがポケットに差し込まれる方向のみ。それ以外の違いはありません。
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The diagram is 330 JPY (Include tax).
折り図は1部 330円 (税込み)です。
