フラワーオブライフ 30枚組み

フラワーオブライフ 90枚組み
How to make the Kusudama of “Flower of life”? / くすだま 「フラワーオブライフ」の作り方
Work data
- Author
- Mio Tsugawa
- Creation date
- Mar.2016
- Drawing
- Mar.2016
- Parts
- 30 parts
- Paper size
- 8.4 × 4.2 cm (Half square paper)
- Joining materials
- No use (No glued)
- Joining method
- Twins joint
Summary / 作品概要
“Flower of life” is a model of modular-type, it is no need glue to assemble.
It’s can be assembled with 30 parts basically, 90 parts and 12 parts and so on as well.
The completion work so beautiful more than the photo, you can feel it by making work actually.
用意するもの / Preparations
Half square paper / 1対2の折り紙 : 30 sheets
Glue (If you need.),必用に応じて接着剤
Motivation to enjoy, さぁ、楽しむぞっていう気合いと決心
How to fold / 折り方
Page 1 : processes 1 – 10
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
Turn it over
- 9
- 10
Page 2 : processes 11 – 20
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
Page 3 : processes 21 – 30
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
Page 4 : processes 31 – 40
- 31
- 32
- 33
Fold and unfold.
- 34
- 35
- 36
Turn it over
- 37
picture is enlarged
- 38
Open it as like a cylindrical.
- 39
- 40
squash it and make it as a flat.
Page 5 : processes 41 – 50
- 41
In process.
- 42
- 43
- 44
In process.
- 45
- 46
Open and squash.
- 47
In process.
- 48
Fold the other side as processes of 38 – 48 in the same way.
- 49
- 50
Page 6 : processes 51 – 57
- 51
- 52
- 53
Turn it over
- 54
- 55
- 56
- 57
Finished !! It is needed 30 parts
Are you ready for assembling parts?
Assembly / 組み立て方

In a case of type of 30 parts assembled, the polyhedron of base is regular icosahedron.
The assembling of Flower of life is different to other kusudamas. There is a rule that 5 parts will be connected preferentially than making a triangle by connecting parts.
Please take your time and assemble parts carefully.

このフラワー・オブ・ライフのパーツは他のくす玉と違って 「三角形を作るよりも、優先的に5パーツ集まるポイントに5パーツを足していく」というパーツを組む順番があります。 多面体になれないうちは、この形と仲良しになれるように、ゆっくりじっくり取り組んでね。
- 1
- 2
Insert a part to the other part so that the colors of each point match.
- 3
- 4
Fold it tightly.
- 5
- 6
Connect five parts at the red point first.
- 7
Add a new part.
- 8
Connect the 4th part to.
同じように4つめのパーツをつなぐ。 - 9
The 4th part was connected.
- 10
Add the 5th part.
- 11
The 5th part connect to the first part and close them.
- 12
- 13
In process.
途中の図。 - 14
Added the 4th part at the new point.
4つめのパーツを足したところ。 - 15
Added the 5th part and closed them.
5つめのパーツを足して閉じたところ。 - 16
Connect two adjacent parts and make a triangle shape. This is a triangle which is the polyhedron of regular icosahedron. There is another part which can be connected, but it will be connected later.
隣どうしのパーツをつないで、ひとつの三角形をつくります。(正二十面体の三角形です) 他にも三角形のできるところはありますが、他はほうっておきます。 - 17
Parts will be bent a little when those will be connected and be made as the triangle. (Please carefully, do not fold them.)
隣どうしのパーツをつないで三角を作るときは、パーツの真ん中をやんわりと少し曲げます。 (折り目がつかないようにご注意!) - 18
- 19
Fold tightly.
しっかりと折る。 - 20
- 21
When you made a triangle and a point which 5 parts will be gathered, you must add new parts to the point and make the shape which 5 parts are connected first. It means that other triangles will be made later.
(他の三角形を作るのはあとまわしです。) - 22
In process.
途中の図。 - 23
- 24
Please make new one triangle by connecting two adjacent parts. This will become the point which 5 parts are gathered. There are some point which can be made the triangle, these will be connected later.
一ヶ所だけ隣どうしのパーツをつないで三角形にして、5つ集まるポイントを作ります。このとき他にも三角形のできるところはありますが、他はほうっておきます。 - 25
- 26
When you created the point that 5 parts will be gathered, you must add new parts and close these pockets of parts preferentially than making other triangles. You will make other triangles later.
5パーツ集まるポイントができたら、同じようにそちらを優先にパーツを足していきます。他の三角形のパーツを作るのはあとから。 - 27
While you add and connect the parts to the pink point, but please do not make other triangle anyhow.
赤いポイントにパーツを5つつないでいる間も、三角形のパーツをつなぐのはとにかくあとで。 - 28
In process.
途中の図。 - 29
5 parts were gathered at the pink point.
赤いポイントに5つのパーツがつながりました。 - 30
Make new one triangle in the same way.
同じように、ひとつの三角形を作ります。 - 31
- 32
Add new parts and make the shape 5 parts gathered at the pink point. There are some parts which can be triangles, but these will be connected later.
赤いポイントに5つのパーツが集まるように、パーツを足して行きます。三角形のできるところがたくさんありますが、浮気をしちゃぁいけまへん。 - 33
In process.
途中の図。 - 34
5 parts were gathered at the pink point.
赤いポイントに5つのパーツが集まりました。 - 35
Connect three adjacent parts and make new triangles.
三角形を作るために、隣どうしのパーツをつなぎます。 - 36
- 37
When you make the point which 5 parts gathered, you must add new parts and close these parts’s pockets.
パーツの5つ集まるポイントができたら、そちらを優先にパーツを足します。この場合はあと2パーツです。 - 38
5 parts were gathered at the pink point.
赤いポイントに5つのパーツが集まりました。 - 39
- 40
- 41
There are 12 points that 5 parts will be gathered. At the all point, you need to add new parts and to make the shape which 5 parts are gathered, than making other triangles in the same way.
5つ集まるポイントは全部で12ヶ所ありますが、すべてのポイントで、三角形の形をつくるよりも、優先的に5つのパーツが集まるポイントにパーツを足して、5つのパーツがつながっている状態を作ります。このようにして、全体を組み上げます。 - 42
Finished !! congratulations !!