Work data
- Author
- Mio Tsugawa
- Creation date
- Jun.2005
- Drawing
- May.2020
- Parts
- 6 parts
- Paper size
- 7.5 cm (Square paper)
- Joining materials
- No use (No glued)
- Joining method
- Box joint
Summary / 作品概要
A work consists of six parts assembled by Box-joint which is modular-type, like the work of “Mosaic-box“.
It’s very similar to “Dance of the star”, but folding processes are easier than it.
“Cube box” has three variations and all works can be decorated with decoration parts which are “the 1/4 unit standard” or “the 1/2 root 2 unit standard“.
The diagram includes one basic folding, three variations, how to set decoration parts.
基本の作品もバリエーションも”1/4 ユニット規格” または “1/2 るーと 2 ゆにっと規格“を持つデコレーションパーツで飾ることができます。
Get the diagram / 折り図をゲット
The diagram is 330 JPY (Include tax).
折り図は1部 330円 (税込み)です。

The diagram of “Cube box” needs the diagram of “Mosaic box” to assemble. The diagram is showed for free on this site.
Please refer to the following rink.
Decorated works / デコレーションされた作品
Cube box & Ka-chō-fū-bi
キューブボックス & 花鳥風日 -
Cube box & Nelumbo nucifera
キューブボックス & 蓮 -
Cube box & Allium giganteum
キューブボックス B & ギガンチウム -
Cube box & Ribbon
キューブボックス & リボン -
Cube box & Astragalus sinicus
キューブボックス & れんげ